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Philosophy and Culture System


校训:厚德博学 笃志拓新
School motto:to be moral and knowledgeable, steadfast and innovative

校风:诚信务实 奋进登攀
School spirit:to be honest and practical, to keep making progress

教风:心贴心 育人于爱 手把手 教以致用
Style of teaching:educate students with love and a view to serve

学风:学赛用互动 用赛学提高
Style of study:education-competition-application integrated

办学理念:育致用英才 铸职业未来
Educational philosophy:educate skilled-talents, forge career prospects

人才理念:大爱厚德 善思精技
Talent philosophy:be moral, thoughtful and skilled

服务理念:一切为了学生 为了学生一切 为了一切学生
Service philosophy:all for students, for all students and their development

School mission:educate students for nation and people

办学特色:产学研一体 职场化育人 国际化办学 现代化治理
School characteristics:industry-education-research integrated, job-market-oriented cultivation, International and modernized school-running

Training objective:to cultivate high-competent talents with morality and skills

运行机制:目标驱动 绩酬融促
Operating system:motivated by goals and promoted by rewards

山科精神:和衷共济 艰苦创业 务实奋进 执着创新
Spirit:be united and work together, pioneer with efforts, be practical and forge ahead, be persistent and innovative

办学方向:面向市场 服务发展 促进就业
School-running orientation:market-oriented, development-oriented, employment-oriented

发展战略:质量立校 人才强校 特色兴校 依法治校
Development strategy:developing our college by quality, talents, characteristics and laws

核心文化——“经纬”文化: 经天纬地 追求卓越
Core culture:strive for excellence

发展愿景:特色鲜明 国内一流 国际知名
Development vision:be characteristic and to be the first rate in the nation and well-known around the world.

五位一体人才培养体系:知识传授 技能训练 创新实践 素质养成 价值积累
“five-in-one”talent training system:knowledge imparting, skill training, innovation practicing, quality cultivating, value accumulating

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